A story of commonalities between American and Gambian cultures through photos. From 2017 to 2019, Harry was a Peace Corps volunteer in The Gambia. His time was spent in the Central River Region in a small Wolof and Fula village […]
The post-COVID world in Latin America will require strategic partnerships that can foster security, equality, and economic growth. Despite possible threats to investment caused by anticipated downturns in global GDP, China’s role and its own response to its role in the coronavirus pandemic, the global turn toward more diverse supply chains due to the massive and ongoing disruptions felt from China, coupled with a nationalist turn in trade and souring relations with the US all pose opportunities for Latin America.
The following documentary was produced in the Fall 2019 “Documentary Traditions and Human Rights” course with Peter Lucas. Para Soledad is a film I made with Soledad Mantilla in December of 2019. I wanted to celebrate her life and all […]
Last year, The New School celebrated a birthday. And it was a special one: its 100th anniversary. In 1919, a group of intellectuals, including the philosopher John Dewey, were frustrated by the traditionalism of American universities and founded The New […]