Opinion: Yup, that’s racist.
I was in a class this week when my professor used the word “blacks”. It is an informal class at a liberal college and she is a left-leaning, informed teacher who is usually pretty cool. So I didn’t think it […]
I was in a class this week when my professor used the word “blacks”. It is an informal class at a liberal college and she is a left-leaning, informed teacher who is usually pretty cool. So I didn’t think it […]
“While the world is discussing what to do with ISIS, Kurdish women are doing it.” Dilar Dirik cried in a September 2014 speech about theories of statelessness at a European conference. Dirik, a PhD candidate at Cambridge, used the speech to give […]
Jews are the most privileged group of citizens in Israel. Jews of European descent, called Ashkenazim, form the top of a class hierarchy while Mizrahim—Jews of African or Asian descent and Jewish immigrants from Muslim countries—are often marginalized socially, economically and politically. This […]
Imagine reading an interview with former international weapons inspector Hans Blix (of Iraqi WMD and IAEA fame) by a white American reporter whose goal was to get Blix to bad-mouth Iran’s government and foreign policy. There wouldn’t be much value […]
Here’s a roundup of (most) of the papers being presented April 23rd at the GPIA Conference at the New School Hirshon suite, 55W.13th Street, 2nd floor 9:30am-6:30 pm
By Jonathan Leonard Our new social initiative, La Selva Guardia, presents the problems caused by the illegal extraction of Peruvian big-leafed mahogany trees. Facts presented are the results of preliminary research conducted for the lauch of our first Amazonian endeavor. We […]
Following the announcement on March 4, 2013, that an 18-month old child in Mississippi had been cured of HIV with an early and rigorous regimen of anti-retroviral drugs, HIV/AIDS is briefly back in headlines in the U.S. Amid the flurry of excitement […]
Human beings in a mob What’s a mob to a king? What’s a king to a God? What’s a God to a non-believer? – Frank Ocean
Today, internship culture is on the rise, reflected by media coverage and books such as the 2012 bestseller Intern Nation. This is due to the increasing number of young and not-so-young adults turning to internships for career opportunities. While the quality […]
Power of authority organizes and propels itself through notions of identity and is therefore, to an extent, defined by the cohesion of a people’s collective identification. Simultaneously, identity is constructed according to the interests of power. Thus, the interaction between […]